Reiki-Seichem I & II Weekend Intensive

Reiki-Seichem I & II Weekend Intensive

Days: 2
Times: 10.00am - 5.00pm
Cost: $400.00
Prerequisite: None

This weekend intensive workshop has all the same elements as Reiki-Seichem I and Reiki-Seichem II just offered at a discounted price when attended on the same weekend.

Comprehensive manuals are included in the workshop fee and Certificates are issued at the end of the workshop.

Topics Covered

The Reiki-Seichem hand positions
A complete Reiki-Seichem treatment for self and others
Metaphysical Causations
Clearing and balancing the Chakras
Reiki for Animals and Plants Symbols in Healing
Distant Healing
Giving a complete Reiki-Seichem II treatment
Tools to help with emotional/mental healing
Past Life Inquiries

Please complete Registration Form to register your interest, by clicking button below

or call Judy on  0414 872 539


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